Thursday, June 14, 2012

Making Your Wedding A Most Memorable Occasion

The key to making your wedding meaningful and memorable is all in the planning itself. This is a time to explore yourself. Principles and traditions that are important to you. An opportunity to express the depth of your love and trust in your husband-to-be.

Your wedding takes on special meaning when you surround yourself with your most precious relationships. Besides the husband to be you'll want to keep close contact with family and best friends. Remember that you cannot please everyone. What's most important is...

Read more at Fimark's My Wedding Planner

Friday, June 1, 2012

7 Day Wedding Countdown Checklist Bookmark

Fimark's My Keepsake Wedding Planner

A Gift for all you Brides out there.  Here is something you can't live without the final 7 days before your wedding. 

The "7 Days Before The Wedding Countdown Planner Checklist Bookmark" written and designed by Mark and Brenda Askew, authors of Fimark's My Keepsake Wedding Planner.

  • Print the checklist and use it as a wedding guidebook bookmark.
  • Place it between the pages of task notes.
  • Put it on your frig for daily reminders.
  • Pin it to your office clipboard.
  • Using a magnet clasp put it on your metal file cabinet.
  • Insert it in your binder cover. 
  • Keep it handy the final 7 days of the wedding.
  • Review it with your Maid of Honor, family, and friends and make sure they have a copy.
  • Pin it to your Pinterest boards, as a reminder.
  • Make it your tablet or smartphone homepage digital bookmark and share it.

The "7 Days Before The Wedding Countdown Planner Checklist Bookmark"  Makes a great gift and can be used as a printable graphical template for many different craft projects. 
  • Print it on a commemorative T-shirt.
  • Print it on a fabric neck scarf.
  • Print it on a fabric hair scarf.
  • Send it to all the Brides-to-be you know.
  • Print on a tall mug (cut in three sections).
  • Print on a slim poster board.
  • Put in your wedding scrapbook.
  • Print and stick to the side of your monitor display.
  • Print and tie vertically to your bedpost
  • Print and tie to your indoor tree
  • Print and hang ornamentally from your chandelier
  • Print and attach to the side of a picture frame.
Right-click and save the image to a file.

Monday, April 30, 2012

How Do I Plan A Wedding?

Planning a wedding can be one of the most daunting tasks in the life of a bride and groom. The key to success is good planning, organizing, timing and reducing needless anxiety over details and costs.

So Where Do You Start? 
How you start planning your wedding will ultimately determine the results. So don't rush the initial planning process. First and foremost, get your hands on a wedding planning checklist. A good wedding checklist will help you cover the major tasks associated with the wedding as well as the details. Wedding checklists come in a variety of formats including static webpage lists, text documents, PDF documents, spreadsheet and application format. You'll also find printable lists so you can check off items and add notes on paper. Another popular, tried and true format that has been used for ages and is still being used are wedding planning checklists in paperback book format.

Not Just Any Checklist
While there are literally thousands of wedding planning checklists on the Net, a wedding planning checklist should do more than provide a list of the major task and a check box. The right checklist will help you schedule and organize your time, prioritize event planning tasks, point you to associated task worksheets and provide many other vital planning benefits. That's where wedding planning TIMELINE checklists come in. Timeline checklists are designed to help the user get an overview of tasks involved in managing the event from day one to the day of the wedding. Studying the timeline helps the user get an idea of how and when to execute and follow-up on tasks associated with planning, organizing and managing the wedding.

Wedding Planning Timeline Checklists
A wedding planning timeline checklist helps you get done what's needed in a timely, organized manner and thus save time, money. Such good planning spares you needless anxiety and can help you save thousands of dollars in fees and service costs. A good wedding planning timeline checklist consists of a multi-page checklist, a timeline stretching over several months, tips and associated task worksheets. That said,  the ideal timeline checklists are those found in book form.
Fimark's My Keepsake Wedding Planner
Fimark's My Keepsake Wedding Planner
Fimark's My Keepsake Wedding Planner
Complete wedding planner with the wedding planning timeline checklist.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Love Endures All Things

Zelmyra and Herbert Fisher were married on May 13, 1924.So how long can a marriage last? Herbert and Zelma have been married for 86 years. Both over were over 100 years of age when this picture was taken. They received a signed commendation from President Obama with a promise of an official invitation to the White House to meet him. 

The couple actually have a twitter page. When asked what is their secret to staying together so long. Zelma says “There isn't any secret. It was only God that kept us together.” 

Herbert and Zelma live in the home he built in 1942. They enjoy the visits of their grandchildren and great grandchildren. A testimony to the endurance of true love as written in a 
best-selling 1900 year old ancient guidebook: "love endures all things... love never fails" Congratulations Herbert and Zelma and Happy 86th Wedding Anniversary!

Whether you're engaged, a mother of the bride, sister of the bride or a brides maid hopeful.  Many years of wisdom can be found in a keepsake wedding planner that's ideal for planning organizing and managing your special day and all the events leading to it. In addition find ageless  tips on developing an enduring marriage in the closing 10 pages of our book "Fimark's My Keepsake Wedding Planner" an excellent personal guide or gift. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Dealing With Mothers and Mother-In-Law

Mothers and mothers-in-law can be both an asset when planning the wedding and a source of grief and contention. While they mean well, often they clash on matters pertaining to wedding planning, organizing and management. How do you bring some resolve to a situation that is rife with strife?
It's important that they understand that planning a wedding should be a joyous time of personal expression and bonding for all involved.  While it is important that family realize that this is your wedding, understand that mother and mother-in-law are anxious to be an active part of the some of the preparations for the ceremony and reception celebration. Still they should have a limited share in the planning in terms of dresses, design, reception decor, menu and honeymoon.
To help them feel a part of things give them several assignments no matter how small. Pick up and delivery duties, choosing stationary, handling the business and follow-up of rentals, catering and transportation.

Make sure all assignments given are compatible with their experience and skill set. Allow them some latitude but also set clear standards and limits. Make sure assignments given do not overlap into someone else's department. Accept some of their suggestions but keep reminding them that you and your husband will make the final decision on all matters together.
Remember that to them this is a family tradition and believe it or not they do have a measure of wisdom to be offered that can aid you as you take this new step into married life. Still it should be respected that you and your husband-to-be make the final decisions regarding everything pertaining to your wedding and married life.
Take the time to listen to what your parents have to say. Weigh the practicality and keep reminding them that you wish to exercise your adult privileges. Avoid placing an unnecessary financial burden on them. If this is an issue, keep your wedding simple.

If needed ask them what challenges they ran into when married and how they dealt with them. Thank them for giving you room to make your own decisions and planning the wedding of your dreams.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Keeping Love Embers Warm

Keeping Love Embers Warm

If you're planning you're honeymoon right about now you may be thinking about an exciting, fun and deeply romantic vacation get-away as a good jump-start to married life after the honeymoon. Perhaps, but that depends on how soon the bonding process begins and when both partners acknowledge the need to share common standards and principles in the relationship. This can take some time as important issues often aren't dealt with until the unforeseen test occurs. Still who wants to wait? 
So how do you start the flame and keep the embers burning months and years after the honeymoon? Is there a spark that ignites a fire that melts the very heart of your partner so deeply that even when cooled by stormy weather there stands a strong bond in the very core that is virtually inextinguishable?
Too often couples get so caught up in their jobs, careers and past-times, like all engrossing sports, bands and clubs of the day that they begin to see their spouse as someone who is getting in the way of their fun and begin spending less meaningful moments with the love of their life. This can happen to anyone. At first it's just a casual oversight. But over time hearts break, silence becomes the loudest spoken word and the two drift apart emotionally and spiritually.

Do More Than Compromise
This past Sunday we talked to a very special couple married for over five years. He's contending with a new job and new congregation responsibilities that sometimes leaves them both a bit overwhelmed. That said, we reminded them both to prioritize each other and asked them both to consider this... When they come together for fun, do more than just compromise! Spend time doing things that they both enjoy doing together instead.

Schedule a Date Night 
Ask any truly happy couple what kept them together and they'll tell you that they're still dating. They eat together. Listen to music together, joke and tell stories together. Dance together. But the key to making date night work is not just doing something together as some activities can actually drive a couple apart. So what's the key to an enjoyable date night?

"A Few of Our Favorite Things."
Sometimes we are too tired to think about what we have in common and we settle for what ever comes to mind for a date night activity. We all love the musical called "The Sound of Music." Particularly the part we fondly call "My Favorite Things." It was that moment in time that the family bonded. So it is with a young couple. Everyone likes to eat. Everyone likes music. Most like movies. On date night, share a favorite dessert you both enjoy. Watch a movie you both will like. Select music that has meaning to both of you. If you're at a loss as to what to do this would be a good time to consult the "favorite things list."

Just Released Fimark's My Keepsake Wedding Planner

In our newly written book "Fimark's My Keepsake Wedding Planner" Brenda and I have dedicated 10 pages to this subject including a keepsake list called "A Few of Our Favorite Things." It's a keepsake checklist of the things the couple has in common.
Many years ago Brenda and I were at a cross road in our relationship. We took the time to write out a list of entertainment, literature, music and activities we both enjoyed doing together. We were amazed as we discovered that we had more in common that we ever realized.
Discovering the things both enjoy doing together in the area of music, books, movies, sports, food, etc is something we've learned a couple cannot do without. Our book "Fimark's My Keepsake Wedding Planner" is now available at

Monday, April 16, 2012

Keeping the Spark In Your Relationship - Excerpt 5

"Get caught in traffic with her. Turn on the music player and listen to a mix of his and her favorites just because you can."

Excerpts from the book "Fimark's My Keepsake Wedding Planner"
By Mark Angelo Askew and Brenda Marie Askew